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The Second Coming of Jesus in 1945 - Events after the "Trinity" Bombs

The Second Coming of Jesus In 1945 presents further evidence that has emerged since 2014, following the publication of The Holy Clone. It gives even more support to the scientific proposition that Jesus Christ could have returned to earth in 1945 in his physical body. and that recent disasters are not merely the result of simple chance. 


So-called western Liberal democracy prides itself on its blind support for freedom of all religious belief. This is consistent with its general tolerance of all forms of non-violent personal expression, even including devil worship. Usually, tolerance is perhaps a good thing, but in the specific case of religious freedom, this tolerance may possibly prove to be a fatal mistake. Christianity is the only religion for which there is any real supporting historical evidence, and all other belief-systems appear to be simply anecdotal. Unless all antichristian beliefs are rejected, it seems unlikely that there can be any real peace in the world. 


Many other current issues, both social and political, which may have arisen as a consequence of the possible Second Coming are discussed in this book, and a new view of the real reasons behind these issues is proposed. The damaging effects of both political correctness and ''Woke'' values are examined. Amongst other ideas, proposed new evidence concerning race relations may produce a very strong and controversial reaction. 

A new perspective on Christianity & the Bible - R.A.Duggan

The Holy Clone: Has Christ Returned?





The Holy Clone examines the claims of the Bible from the perspective of modern scientific progress. The outcome is a radically new interpretation of this old and familiar material. In recent decades, the profound broadening of our technological horizons has been accompanied by new academic and archaeological developments in biblical research.


When these factors are put together, and related to events in recent history, it is proposed that a seemingly incredible and challenging view of the Bible begins to emerge. An awesome picture starts to form that promises to place traditional beliefs in a very new light. The advent of new technologies such as human cloning and time travel - and their potential implications - are investigated in relation to this updated biblical scenario.


This book is addressed to a general readership and it offers an unprecedented and astounding new insight into the enduring enigma of the Bible. When seen from our present viewpoint, biblical information strongly suggests that the prophesied return of Jesus Christ, and the retribution of the "Last Judgment", is already taking place in our own time, and that it is now possible that he is alive on earth today - in his actual flesh!  The Bible states that Christ's initial return will be covert, and protected by the highest secrecy. This book also proposes that the traditional idea of the Holy Spirit may represent the effects of a created program that materialised with the Big Bang. These extraordinary and startling ideas are powerfully supported by new scientific, historical and biblical evidence. 


The book is illustrated by the author.


The Holy Clone can be purchased in "Royal" size, price £11.99. It is available online from Amazon in Kindle and Paperback format, from  Foyles and Waterstones, or in their bookstores. Online purchase  can also be made from Fast Print Publishing of Peterborough.


(For easiest purchase please go to Fast Print Publishing link above, click on "BookShop" section, and type in author's name to view).


The above synopsis is included on the back cover of the book, and gives an idea of its basic content. However, it must be added – without exaggeration – that this new work possibly promises to be the most important book to have been compiled and published during the past 2000 years, and therefore since the Holy Bible itself. There can be no higher or more extraordinary claim than this. It presents new evidence that all the prophecies and claims of the Bible regarding the Second Coming have now been fulfilled, and that Jesus Christ has already returned to earth in his physical body. Indeed, it is now proposed that he was “reborn” as a baby directly after WWII, as prophesied, and that he is now a man in his 70s. Also, that through the power of his Holy Spirit, he has been working behind the scenes to control events in the world since that time, and continues to operate under the very highest security cover – “like a thief in the night”. This book attempts to define what his real and secret personal profile, characteristics and identity may actually be according to the Bible. It is based strictly on the biblical accounts and probably represents somewhat of a departure from the present received and popular image of Jesus. The content is presented in terms akin to a systematic police profiler’s “manhunt” – a real “search for God”.


It is prophesied that during the 1000 year period following Christ’s return his last judgments will be carried out. Many people are now, quite rightly, alarmed and uneasy about the events taking place in the world today, and they desperately seek some sort of real understanding of what is happening. Viewed in the context of the new light presented by this book, a clearer picture may be emerging. Antichristian forces are now being continuously targeted, and people only have to switch on their TV news any night to see this retribution being carried out before their eyes. It is proposed that Christ’s inexorable war against evil will continue for another 900 years or so, as prophesied. “The Holy Clone” is recommended to be read in full in order to gain a real idea of what is now being disclosed for the first time in history.


Jesus stressed that he was a time traveller from both the past and the future. He is said to return with his angels, and the recent huge increase in UFO sightings could be related to this. Many of his statements have continued to baffle the Church for millennia, and have had to be regarded as rather esoteric riddles, or more often, simply and conveniently ignored. It now starts to become evident that the real meaning of some of these statements, by a person from the first century, could not have been known (without the light of recent advances in modern science) to anyone living before the end of the twentieth century, unless that person had exceptional and prescient foreknowledge. This book explains in scientific terms how its whole hypothesis could have come about in a perfectly realistic way. It also demonstrates what the consequences of its reality may continue to be – apparently, the terrifying “concentration camps” of hell make Auschwitz look like Butlin's.


This website will continue to update commentary on world events as they occur. Any questions received regarding this new content will be welcomed and answered. I look forward, hopefully, to an ongoing dialogue about this subject, and about new material that may continue to arise.


– R.A.D. (November 2017).




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