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  • Writer's pictureR.A.Duggan

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

It is now generally believed that the war against Saddam Hussein was a terrible and illegal mistake. Although it was found that he no longer possessed WMDs at the time, he had used them in the past, and, given a chance, he would probably have restocked and used them again in the future. He was conceded to be a monstrous tyrant, and a potential danger to the world. It was therefore considered in some quarters that a pre-emptive strike, which would depose him, was a moral duty, whether he still possessed WMDs at present, or not.

In The Holy Clone, new evidence is presented to suggest that, since 1945, Jesus Christ has returned to earth in the flesh, and that working behind the scenes protected by the highest security cover, he has now instigated real attacks against antichristian forces. In this context, for Christ a new war in Iraq could have represented a spark that would set the whole of the Middle East on fire, and which indeed proved to be the case. Both militant and passive Muslims have consistently declared their hatred of Western values, and their deep desire to see Christendom destroyed. Islam has always shown itself to be antichristian by its attempt to demote Jesus Christ to the status of just another prophet. Consequently, the only correct policy for the West is not to intervene in this present strife, and to allow Islam to continue to tear itself to pieces. In biblical terms, children, until the age of maturity, are identified with the beliefs and values of their father and their fathers are therefore responsible for the deaths of their own children in this respect.

There are now extensive academic findings published on the Internet that historically and convincingly identify the name of “Allah” with that of Satan. Indeed, concerning Iraq, both Bush and Blair were apparently inadvertently working for Christ. As is increasingly evident, God’s Holy Spirit now craves the blood of all unrepentant Muslims – men, women and children – and then to send them to a place of eternal torture far worse than mere physical death. The Bible states, “Yahweh is a man of war.” (Ex 15:3).

This phenomenon of holy war between completely opposed cultures seems to be just another manifestation of the desperate spirit of Satan, who is now massively trying to undermine the civilised and Christian world on every level. In his avowed commitment to the destruction of people and society, he is increasingly determined to attack the values of Yahweh. It has been observed that he is fighting ever harder as he senses that his time is now limited, and that he is being driven into a corner by the real coming of Christ. He attempts to overturn natural differences of gender, to destroy natural abhorrence of sexual deviation, to encourage illegal and dangerous drug use, and to spread disease and misery by eroding all control of sexual behaviour. As well as this, he demands that his evil religions are placed on an equal footing with God’s own Christianity. In an attempt to bring about this evil agenda he encourages

“political correctness” (which is very much a euphemism for gross incorrectness), along with the creeping, spineless and heretical liberalisation of the Christian churches.

It is therefore apparently of the greatest importance that the western world begins to gain a better grasp of what is really in its true interests. The average members of the Third Reich were probably decent Germans, but they allowed themselves to be deceived and misled by Hitler. Most Muslims probably have a similar relationship to the ideas of Islam. Nevertheless, their gullibility cannot exonerate them of all guilt in the matter. Those in the West must recognise that Islam has once again declared itself to be their sworn enemy, and that many Muslims would really like to see anyone beheaded who fails to agree with their own ideas and values. The proposed Caliphate of Islam is probably a greater potential threat to the whole world than even the Third Reich had been. Evidently, we now constantly have to endure the misguided media sympathy, and their supposedly “humanitarian” tears, for the catastrophes that are now befalling Muslim populations. However, it is high time that naive Liberals in the West woke up to the fact of where they should really stand on these issues, and of what is in their own best interests and those of the world. If the human race is to survive, then these manifestations of Satan must be resisted in all their various disguises. Lastly, the next evil and ignorant moron who is encouraged by Satan to scream hysterically about “race” – and who tries to use it as a term of abuse when what they should really be describing in most cases is “nationality” – must be arrested, locked up, and have the key thrown away!

– R.A.D. (November 2018)

Above: “The Lion of Judah” – illustration from The Holy Clone.

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  • Writer's pictureR.A.Duggan

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

Since the mid 19th century, so much nonsense has been expressed suggesting that Darwin’s theory of evolution has threatened to undermine and destroy the claims of the Bible. Actually, since then, the new findings of modern science have come to increasingly support the biblical story of Genesis in a most uncanny and extraordinary way.

As Genesis was allegedly written down by Moses in circa 1300 BC, the fact that it accurately describes the sequential creation of earthly creatures (which is now defined by evolution) is inexplicable as an idea emerging from a merely human source. In those ancient times, the alternative stories of creation offered by other major cultures – such as the Egyptian, Hindu and Greek religions – did hint vaguely at some mysterious early knowledge of concepts like the Big Bang but they were simply presented in mythological terms. In comparison, the broad accuracy of the Genesis story is impossible to explain as merely human guesswork. This is discussed at length in The Holy Clone. In Genesis, birds are stated to have been the first form of animals to exist on land. However, the question of where dinosaurs could have fitted into this scenario had always been extremely problematical. Now, in recent years, it has been discovered, and proven, that dinosaurs were actually the earliest form of birds, and that modern birds are their direct descendents. It is now also known that many dinosaurs had feathers. This has all been a most surprising and extraordinary new discovery.

Much has been made of the fact that Darwin later lost his Christian faith, and this has been claimed to be directly attributable to his new scientific discoveries. In later life, he did confess that he had always had some doubts about the Bible and Christianity, but this was not the real cause for his loss of faith. The event that really precipitated this crisis was the tragic death of his favourite daughter at a very early age. After that, although Darwin would continue to accompany his family to their local church he declined to enter the building himself and would simply wait outside.

In 1658, Archbishop Ussher of Armagh, the Irish cleric and scholar, put forward his new theory about the creation of the world as recorded in the Book of Genesis. He based this on the chronologies given in the New Testament leading to the birth of Christ and came to the ludicrous conclusion that the planet Earth, and its first inhabitants, were only created in 4,004 BC. He arrived at this idea by his own misreading of Genesis, and his failure to grasp the facts that are plainly stated there. However, at that time even Sir Isaac Newton also made a very similar mistake of dating. The detailed and correct reading of Genesis is explained clearly in The Holy Clone.

It is quite extraordinary that this ridiculous theory was taken seriously by the Christian Church until comparatively recent times. In the 1970s, in my youth I felt that I ought to possess a Holy Bible, and I found one in a jumble sale for about 50p. It was impressively bound and was obviously quite old. When I finally read the history of the world that was included in its Appendix, I was nonplussed to find that it still stated that the Earth was created only in 4,004 BC. Having been taught, correctly, since my earliest schooldays that the Earth was actually billions of years old, I was totally taken aback! The publication date of this particular Bible, though unstated, was therefore probably Victorian or even Edwardian, but to think that it was only actually discarded, and was probably still in usage during my own youth, completely astonished me. Having been brought up by atheist parents, I found the idea that some people could still probably believe such things was quite incredible! However, even today, especially in the USA, there are still extensive and professedly Christian groups, such as the “Creationists”, who are generally condemned for embracing similar and clearly ludicrous interpretations of Genesis.

– R.A.D. (October – November 2018)

Above: “Eve in the Garden of Eden” – illustration from The Holy Clone.

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  • Writer's pictureR.A.Duggan

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

It must be said that the ignorant and Left Wing lie, which tries to equate so-called “Islamophobia” with a racial issue, is completely and wilfully evil. Although the majority of Muslims are Arabs, there are obviously plenty of Muslims that belong to other races. The issue of Islam really has nothing to do with race, but is solely an issue of culture, and therefore something completely different. With regard to Palestine, the whole Bible makes it plain that there is no place for any other religion, apart from Christianity.

It now seems that the concept of a two-state model for Palestine is finally dead since Jerusalem has recently started to be restored as the capital of Israel. The idea of an independent Palestinian state is actually just a myth because it has never really existed. Until the twentieth century, the area was simply occupied by Arabs living under the rule of the Turks and their Ottoman empire. The reality is that the whole of Palestine had always belonged to Israel and the Jews until they were driven out of their homeland by the Romans in 70 AD. After that, all that was left in Israel was a relatively small number of Arabs who were, in effect, just “squatters”, and who had no true historical right to land that still really belonged to the Jews. In recognition of their historical and biblical right to own Palestine, a small part of this land was given back to the Jews by the British Empire. This was a consequence of the famous “Balfour Declaration” issued by the British government on November 2, 1917, just before the British liberated Jerusalem from the Turks on 11 December that same year. In a 1919 memo, Arthur Balfour, who was then Britain’s Foreign Minister, wrote that “The four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism... is rooted in age-long traditions... of a far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.” The Declaration later became part of The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, confirming the validity of the Jewish right to the land. This was affirmed by the UN. The British chose to vacate their mandate over Palestine in 1948, and the new state of Israel was then formed.

In the most ancient times, according to the Bible, the God of Israel had promised all the land between the Nile river in Egypt and the Euphrates river in Iraq to Abraham and his Jewish descendants, and they had indeed eventually come to own the land now known as Palestine (Gen 15:18; Deut 11:24). This ancient promise remains yet to be fulfilled in its entirety, but as other promises of God have already been truly fulfilled, and the fact that the present state of Israel has already survived since 1948 against overwhelming odds, then it seems that the full future realisation of this promise also seems very likely.

However, Yahweh, the God of Israel, later disclosed that his truly “chosen people” should become Christian, and that his promise was apparently only applicable to a Christian Israel. A Jewish State that still clings to an old antichristian Judaistic belief does not apparently enjoy the lasting protection and benefits of God. It appears that the promises of Genesis will not be fulfilled until the whole of Israel becomes Christian, and that Yahweh will still bring persecution, and ultimately destruction, upon them until such time as they truly repent and embrace Jesus Christ as their only real Messiah and savior. The problem is that the Jews were long ago described to Moses, by Yahweh, as a “stiff-necked people” – meaning “stubborn or rebellious” (Ex 32:9; Deut 10:16). Interestingly Jewish repentance is now growing and many Jews, including the “Jews for Jesus” movement, have now converted to Christianity. This is discussed in The Holy Clone. In the Old Testament, the Bible prophesies that after the eyes of Israel are opened, and they finally recognise Jesus Christ as their only Messiah, “...then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem...” (Zech 12:10-11). It is later added, “...every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him.” (Rev 1:7). It seems high time that the Jews woke up to the fact that their suffering of the last 2000 years could be attributable to their rejection of the real God – the true “Yahweh”.

If Jesus Christ is really alive today then the Muslim occupation of East Jerusalem, or of any part of the Holy Land, now places them in the greatest danger of violent and righteous retribution. Muslims would be very wise to withdraw completely from Jerusalem as soon as possible. After that, and with the repentance of Israel finally achieved, hopefully, the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount could be converted into a magnificent Christian cathedral.

– R.A.D. (August – September 2018).

Above: “The Descent of the Jewish Messiah.” – illustration from The Holy Clone.

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